AJ - Eastern Michigan University
Who is a hero or heroine in your personal life?
I have had many teachers in my life, but few of them have been as important to me as Mary Helen Ciaravino. A broadcast professor of mine from Washtenaw Community College, rather than just tell us how to-do things and give us the grade, she treated us as though we were working to be professionals and made sure we know how much work we still had to do in order to succeed in a creative business. Though she was almost always harsh, she helped me to realize that I still had a lot of growing to-do and helped me become more critical and accepting of myself.
Who is an historical figure that you would have loved to have met?
The French film theorist and critic Andre Bazin. Reading some of his work, I relate to and believe a lot of what he says about what film is and what it should aspire to be. I honestly would like to know what he thought about films that are made today and how well he thinks they live up to his ideals.
What is your favorite book?
“The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy” by Douglas Adams and “Battle Royal” by Koushun Takami.