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Ashley Selgeby

        I was born on November 15, 1984 with a Grade 3 brain hemorrhage. The doctors did not expect me to live and told my mother to pick out the clothes I should be buried in.
     I did beat the odds and survived, but once again, the doctors told my mom that I would be “a vegetable”. With the help of Occupational and Physical Therapy, and Special Education in school, I was able to overcome many obstacles.
     Today, my adulthood involves my marriage, job, assistance with transportation, and I struggle to understand and master the simplest of skills, such as cutting nails, opening cans, or putting on certain articles of clothing.
     Life is surrounded by lots of friends, time with God, changing what can be changed while accepting what God intends to keep the same.
     The injury is what I make of it. I can look at its weakness or look at my strengths. Someday the injury will be gone, but until that day, it will be used in whatever way God sees fit to inspire whoever I can.
     Certain things that God intends to use the injury for I’ll never know, and all my questions won’t be answered. The injury will be used to inspire until the day I go home to heaven.
     Ashley is actively involved in the Northern Hills Training Center Community.