I would love to have met Michael Jackson and Albert Einstein. MJ was music part of my childhood. Songs such as Heal The World, They Don’t Care About Us, You Rock My World and Will You Be There are the main songs that I recall watching on TV over the summer. Even though I did not know the lyrics, I recall murmuring the beats. His music was very empowering and the sound and intensity of it always made me drop everything I was doing, dance, and then go back to what I was doing.
Albert Einstein was someone that I really admire. He had such a curious mind. His ability to wonder why certain things were the way they were and puzzling with a question until he found a justifiable answer, was something I have come to love about him over the years. With such a passion, he went against all odds and proved to everyone else who thought he was crazy that they were wrong. Its very remarkable to me how he was one man who managed to get the attention of all the scientists, just to tell them how wrong they were about certain applications of physics. His incorporation of the art of humanities into physics (despite lacking knowledge in those domains) were the times he shined the most in my view. What I also admire about him was how he viewed himself: just a normal guy still trying to solve the theory of relativity. Furthermore, he was relatable in that he was Jew who was not accepted by certain members of his society. When he came to the United Sates and realized how African Americans were treated, he did what he knew best: Teach. He taught African American men an important topic relevant at the time. A time in which a black men was allowed no where near that sort of knowledge. Like any human being, he was not perfect. He appeared to be super stubborn, but beyond my admiration for his work, I firmly believe that his stubbornness led him to be one of the greatest scientist the human race ever got to experience.