Syed Hussain Haider - University of Michigan
“To leave everything behind and start in this brand new place was the hardest thing I’ve ever done.”
From Me, The “Other” film
Born in Pakistan, my story finds its roots in my family’s struggle to find a safe and sustainable place to live. With targeted killings against Shias on a rise in Pakistan, my dad applied for, and was granted a work visa for us to come to the USA. The first few years were tough on all of us. Starting at the bottom of the socio-economic hierarchy was a challenge. At 13 years old, I found myself lost and didn’t know where I belonged amongst the various cliques. When it came time for college, I decided to put all my focus in education and a good career. My hard work led me to receive the Medallion of Excellence in Biology. I found myself moving to Ann Arbor to attend dental school at the University of Michigan where I’ve taken every opportunity to make a positive impact as a student with a Muslim name. During my third year at dental school, I was elected as the dental school’s student council president. This title and honor was a major milestone for me and I hope my story can allow many other immigrants realize how they can successfully integrate and contribute to the American society.
Who is a hero or heroine in your personal life?
My grandfather (on my mom’s side). He’s just such a highly qualified and educated person. From a very young age, he has been everything I wanted to be. A source of knowledge and inspiration throughout my life.
What is one of your favorite things to do?
A picture from when I first picked up a DSLR camera in 2009. 3 cameras, 6 lenses, and endless photo ops later, I’ve transformed this hobby into a passion. I love photography and everything that comes with it.
What’s one thing that most people don’t know about you?
I love global outreach and the fact that my profession has allowed me to be able to do that is truly liberating. Here is a picture of me in Kenya playing soccer with kids after a whole day of dental treatment and education.
What’s your favorite place in the world?
Currently, it has to be Yosemite National Park. One of the most, if not the most, beautiful place I have experienced in my life. Here’s a picture of me doing a front flip off of a bridge in the park.
What’s your favorite movie of all time?