Tami Cazer

     Living and growing up in a small town it was difficult trying to fit in with the others. I was a wall flower and tried to stay out of the lime light for fear of what the other kids might say or do.
     I was very quiet and shy as a kid because only a few kids tried to be my friend. Most of them didn’t want to be friends with the poor, dirty looking, fat kid; but those who did become my friend changed my perspective. I started to open up little by little and I gained a few friends.
     In high school I struggled with my weight and depression along with the fact that most of my peers didn’t acknowledge me and if they did it was with jokes at my expense.
     My depression and suicidal thoughts worsened, and I soon started to drift away from the few friends I had thinking they would make fun of me as well. They were there for me no matter how much I tried to push them away. They accepted me for me and it was nice I just had to learn how to open up and they taught me not only how to open up but how to accept myself and my own flaws.
     Over the years my friends have taught me that it’s okay to be reserved in life just not too reserved because if you are you will miss out on some wonderful people and amazing moments.
     Without the people that I have in my life, I don’t think I would have ever made it this far. They’ve been there to support me when others have tried to tear me down. They make me laugh and smile when others made me cry.
     My friends let me know that I’m not alone in this world.