Ted - University of Michigan
“I’ve never experienced discrimination. Everywhere I go, I’m expected to be there.”
From Me, The “Other” film
I come from a small community called St. Johns in Michigan. I went to the University of Michigan and studied chemical engineering. My community was mostly white with a very few Hispanics or African-Americans so growing up, I never really had a different perspective than my own culture. My family immigrated from Germany in the 1850’s. We were farmers in Germany, we are farmers in Michigan. Neither one of my parents graduated from college so I’m the first generation college graduate. Growing up in the smaller community, I really wasn’t introduced to a lot of different cultures and I never had friends that imparted that different perspective to me; so I grew up with a single-track point of view. I’d never seen that many Indian people let alone meet an Indian person until I came to Ann Arbor. So my perspective about people in general has changed completely cause growing up, I thought there were a few types of people and now I realize there’s a huge spectrum and everyone has their own backgrounds within that spectrum.
Who is a hero or heroine in you personal life?
I really look up to my Grandma Jury. In her free-time, my grandma loves to manage her garden, sew quilts, and bake. One thing that I have always admired about her is the level of passion she puts into these activities. Recently, Keiko and I were at her house to learn how to make a pie. You would have thought she was teaching us how to pack a parachute with how meticulously she instructed us. It definitely paid off in the end—we made a great pie! Beyond that, she always has a contagious positive mood and a good sense of humor. I look up to her for all these reasons because I think it’s a good way to live life.
Who is an historical figure that you would have loved to have met?
A historical figure I look up to is Theodore Roosevelt. A progressive of his time, he fought for economic reform in the way of regulating big businesses and bolstering against monopolies, as well as leading the charge for land and resource conservation. One thing that I really admire is his refusal to follow the expectations and norms of the party at the time. He had his beliefs and principles, and he stuck to them. I try to follow this in my own life. Also, I am very grateful for the public land that we have access to. It’s nice to be able to see some of the most beautiful parts of the country the way that nature intended.
What is one of your favorite things to do?
I started mountain biking a few months ago and I’m already addicted to it. What I like most is the challenge involved, getting exercise, and being in nature. There’s no better feeling than going down a hill dodging rocks and roots—the perfect combination of challenge and thrill! This is a picture of me at a race I did this summer. I placed first for my age group! Not too shabby for my first race.
What’s one thing that most people don’t know about you?
One thing most people don’t know about me is that I have a desire to be on the Price is Right. It’s not quite the same show anymore without Bob, but I think it would still be worth the chance at a showcase showdown. At least Drew cares about spaying and neutering pets…
What’s your favorite place in the world?
My favorite place in the world is the Silver Lake Sand-dunes on the west coast of Michigan. I have a lot of fond memories of my dad and I bringing our old three-wheelers there and seeing if they would make it up the biggest hills. I remember one day we went on a week day morning after it had just rained. The sand was smooth as glass and there was no one else on the dunes. There isn’t a better feeling than tearing through that new sand and going any direction without worrying about anyone else—talk about freedom!
What do you do to relieve stress?
To relieve stress, I like to exercise. One of my favorite exercises to relieve stress is to kayak. I enjoy the serenity of being on the calm water with no one else around. It’s especially nice going by the Barton Pond Dam in Ann Arbor right after work. I think it’s the best way to relax and unwind.
What is your favorite book?
My favorite book is Catch-22. I appreciate the high level of satire brought to a normally serious setting of war. It’s a great book to reread because there are multiple levels of satire in the story. With each read I’m able to pick up on more and more of the satire. I love being sarcastic and I’ve been told I have a dry sense of humor. I guess this book might be where I got some of this from!
What’s your favorite movie of al time?
My favorite movie is Christmas Vacation, because it’s hilarious and endlessly quotable. I always look forward to Christmas when I can watch this movie with my dad and brother-in-laws. It’s not so much about the movie itself as much as it’s about the fun quoting the movie. I’ve even gone so far as to get one of the moose head glasses.