Veronica - Washtenaw Community College
“I had to be the adult in my life.”
From Me, The “Other” film
I’m a 19 year-old Puerto Rican the only Puerto Rican in my high school. The girl that didn’t have a group—such as the Mexican group, or the cool group. I felt acceptance in groups such as the blacks and Arabs. That acceptance was only temporary though. I had to find acceptance being independent with a single mom who struggled to take care of me due to her health having gone through three liver transplants. My mother and father had a lot of problems and my father used to beat my mom. I have brief memories of moments when he would hit her. He has not been a part of my life since I was 3-4 years of age. I was sent to Puerto Rico where I learned the ways of life through my roots and relatives in Puerto Rico. I knew that the only way I would make it out of poverty as a minority was through schooling and working hard to become more. I am a sophomore at Washtenaw Community College studying occupational therapy while working as a cosmetologist at an Ann Arbor hair studio. I am striving to do better and to be a proud successful Puerto Rican woman.
Who is a hero or heroine in your personal life?
My mother Aimee Cruz is my hero! I look up to her because she is a fighter and strong women. She was a single mom that managed to raise me all alone, but also had 3 liver transplants. One before I was conceived, Another after I was conceived, and the last about one and a half years ago from today.
Who is an historical figure that you would have love to have met?
A historical hero I would of loved to of met would be Martin Luther King Jr. He helped open the eyes of those that were blinded by the Separation of Equality and Civil Rights. He fought for the rights of women and not only blacks but all colors and races. Being raised by a single mom I learned what it was like to do things the hard way and independently. Meaning that a women can do the same as a man visa versa. My favorite quote from Martin is “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” I have always thought that others should be treated the way they are treated, but I have learned that there is a better way of handling life and others.
What’s your favorite place in the world?
My favorite place in the world is Puerto Rico!!! Duhhhh!!! I’m from there and its such a beautiful island!! I’m proud of being Boricua!!!
What is one of your favorite things to do?
I love cutting hair, also just being a cosmetologist! I get to do all kinds of fun stuff like nails, facials, color, cutting etc. I love working with kids and experiencing babies coming in with shaggy hair and leaving with a clean cut that makes them look so much older. Most of all the fun we have talking and how happy parents are!
I LOVE to reuse and recycle. I always ask my boyfriend to pull over so I can look at the shelves or anything that wouldn’t have bugs or bed bugs. Thrift shopping and garage sales excite me!!:)
What do you do to relieve stress?
I exercise in order to relieve stress!! When I have anxiety or get in an argument I love to release it through running or doing some cardio!! I also walk my dog for stress but also for her!!
What’s one thing that most people don’t know about you?
My best friend always told me I had crazy facial expressions I didn’t really believe her until I looked at pictures of me while I was growing up!!
What’s your favorite movie of al time?
I don’t have a favorite movie of all time but I love Scary movies and Suspenseful movies.
What is your favorite book?
My favorite book is called, The Fault in Our Stars by John Green.